Hematite stone it is know as a 'Stone of the Higher Mind', as it brings one incredible grounding and calm helping one focus and organise the mind. Assisting in original thought, logical thinking as well as mathematics, it acts well as a firm stabilising force.
Hematite is an excellent stone to have with one when being bombarded with multiple energies of people, stone and crystals or environmental substances as it will attract, negate, and dissipate negative energies from all around. Related to the blood circulation, as well as the treatment of diseases such as anaemia or embolisms.
Chakra Gemstone Properties
Hematite is used effectively on the 1st, Root/Base Chakra, but also energises with the "Earth Star" Chakra found in the planes below the feet.
This Stone is particularly useful and effective at grounding and protecting, Hematite will harmonise one's mind, body and spirit. Hematite is said to prevent negative energies from entering the aura, allowing harmony in one's body.